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WOMEN’S SATSANG: Living & Dying with Care with Aditi Sethi

March 20, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PDT

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Aditi SethiDeath is a reminder to live more fully.  Ram Dass said, Death is our greatest challenge as well as our greatest spiritual opportunity. By cultivating mindfulness, we can prepare ourselves for this final passage by allowing nature, rather than Ego, to guide us.” Join in loving community with the Ram Dass Women’s Satsang to discuss living and dying with care.

As many know, being a supportive presence to those suffering with terminal illness is both heart-wrenching and invaluable. And it can bring a sense of connection to the humanity in ourselves and others, as well as investigate fundamental questions of existence such as “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”

Yet, a pervasive fear of death is reinforced by our culture, and didactic medical training does little to prepare medical professionals, or anyone else for that matter, to actually deal with the fullness of those who are dying.

To move from the focus on the business of dying to the art of being with dying, and to restore deep respect to death care, we need to examine our own relationship to death and reflect on how our life experiences affect the care we offer others during an intensely transformative time. Understanding our individual reactions and how they impact the dying experience of those we care for can remind us of a powerful but subtle truth: death is a mirror in which our own lives are reflected.

Join the Ram Dass Women’s Satsang and Aditi Sethi MD, a hospice and palliative care physician and end-of-life doula, as we explore how we can embrace the divine feminine as we live our lives with awareness and presence and approach “letting go,”/ “death” in all its forms.

Aditi Sethi, MD is a hospice and palliative care physician, end-of-life doula, musician and executive director of the Center for Conscious Living & Dying, Inc. Soon to be featured in the forthcoming film The Last Ecstatic Days, Aditi is an emerging and important voice for shifting our culture’s understanding and approach to dying, death, and bereavement care.  

Women’s Satsang Mission Statement

The Women’s Satsang has been formed to help cultivate heart connection and allyship among people within the Ram Dass Community who identify as women, whether cis gender, non-conforming, or non-binary women. As an autonomous group, our purpose is 

  • to deepen into the teachings of Ram Dass and Neem Karoli Baba from a female perspective
  • to foster connection and mutual empowerment within the Ram Dass Community, and 
  • bring forward the wisdom of women for the benefit of all beings and the earth.

Our Values include:

  • Lovingkindness
  • Honoring relationality and inclusivity
  • Allowing for ambiguity and mystery
  • Celebrating the light as well as the dark, embodiment as well as ascension
  • Blessing the web of interbeing that connects us all
  • Respecting people over performances 

To register, sign up for the Ram Dass Fellowship, and check “Women’s Fellowship” under the Fellowship Group Options.  You will be added to the mailing list and will receive links prior to the event.


March 20, 2022
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PDT
Event Category:



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