Ram Dass – Here and Now – Episode 54: Invite Not the Future

Can we take anticipated suffering and turn it into something that enriches the present moment?

For those of us who want to approach future suffering with some degree of equanimity, mindfulness and open heartedness, the earlier we start, the better.

The more we come into the presence of these phenomena, working with these struggles even though they are not ours yet, the more we will have eaten what we have to eat and digested our reactivity to be able to keep our hearts open.

1 thought on “Ram Dass – Here and Now – Episode 54: Invite Not the Future”

  1. I am a 61 year old woman whose body has been diseased and in chronic pain for quite awhile. I have been very close with many dying people and it helped me more than I was ever able to help them. The older I get the more ego death I experience and I feel quite prepared for physical death. Podcasts like this help me be here now to quote the name of the book. I am seldom off in the past or future thanks to good teachers and lots of practice. Thank you


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