Ram Dass Books Timeline

Over the years Ram Dass has authored many books on consciousness, love, service, devotion, and the spiritual path.

This page is a dedicated timeline that displays all of Ram Dass’ books in chronological order. From the 1960s to 2010’s Ram Dass is Here and Now through his many books on consciousness, love, and spiritual practice.

  • October 12, 1971

    Be Here Now

    Cover artwork of Be Here Now by Ram Dass

    If you only read one Ram Dass book, this counter-culture bible should be at the top of your list. A seminal work that has influenced countless seekers of enlightenment on their spiritual journeys, Be Here Now bridges the gap between Eastern spirituality and Western culture.

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  • January 12, 1974

    The Only Dance There Is

    Cover artwork of The Only Dance There Is by Ram Dass

    Western psychology meets Eastern spirituality. Ram Dass invites you to celebrate the Dance of Life, which, in his own words, is “the only dance there is.”

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  • November 1, 1977

    Grist for the Mill:<br>Awakening to Oneness</br>

    Cover artwork of Grist for the Mill by Ram Dass

    What are the risks and rewards to be found on the spiritual path? Ram Dass, with the help of Stephen Levine, guides you through a deep spiritual journey of awakening into self-discovery, and offers a universal understanding of what it means to “be” and to grow as human beings.

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  • July 11, 1978

    Journey of Awakening:<br>A Meditator’s Guidebook</br>

    Cover artwork of Journey of Awakening by Ram Dass

    Need some help getting started with meditation? Journey of Awakening is a classic guide to inner development from Ram Dass that is sure to set you on the right path.

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  • July 25, 1979

    Miracle of Love

    Cover artwork of Miracle of Love by Ram Dass

    Are you ready to be wrapped in a blanket of love and devotion? Miracle of Love is a collection of stories compiled by Ram Dass about his guru, Neem Karoli Baba (also known as Maharajji).

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  • March 12, 1985

    How Can I Help?

    Cover artwork of How Can I Help? by Ram Dass

    For most of us, not a day goes by where we aren’t compelled to help out in some fashion. But with so much suffering in the world, so many people in pain, the act of service is not a simple one to undertake.

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  • January 1, 1992

    Compassion in Action: Setting Out on the Path of Service

    This book can make an extraordinary difference in the way we see one another, ourselves, and the vast amount of suffering in the world. Here is a guide for those who are just beginning to realize that self-fulfillment is possible through service to others. No two people are better qualified to help us along this path than Ram Dass, who has spent more than twenty years teaching and writing on the subject of living consciously, and Mirabai Bush, who succeeded him as chairperson of the Seva Foundation, an international organization devoted to compassionate service.

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  • April 27, 2000

    Still Here: Embracing Age, Changing and Dying

    Cover artwork of Still Here by Ram Dass

    “My interest in aging,” writes Ram Dass, “came from a personal direction: I was getting older – and so were the baby boomers, who were fast approaching fifty. In this youth-oriented culture, aging is a profound source of suffering…”

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  • October 24, 2004

    Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita

    Cover artwork of Paths to God, Living the Bhagavad Gita by Ram Dass

    For centuries, people have turned to the Bhagavad Gita for inspiration and guidance on their spiritual journeys. In Paths to God Ram Dass integrates its seemingly beyond our reach lessons into our everyday lives.

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  • November 1, 2010

    Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart

    Cover artwork of Be Love Now by Ram Dass

    Looking to bath in the loving awareness of Ram Dass? Check out the third book Be Love Now in the spiritual trilogy that began with Be Here Now and Still Here.

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  • August 1, 2013

    Polishing the Mirror: How to Live from Your Spiritual Heart

    Cover artwork of Polishing the Mirror by Ram Dass

    Ready to explore the depths of consciousness and love with Ram Dass? In Polishing the Mirror, he gathers together his essential teachings for living in the eternal present, here and now.

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  • December 15, 2017

    Cookbook for Awakening

    Cover artwork of Cookbook for Awakening by Ram Dass

    Ready to live a spiritual life? Cookbook for Awakening is a scrapbook of essential teachings on topics to help you become more awake in your life – and to inhabit “be here now” in a truly authentic way.

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  • January 1, 2018

    Changing Lenses: Essential Teaching Stories from Ram Dass

    Cover artwork of Changing Lenses by Ram Dass

    In this anthology we have gathered together Ram Dass’ ‘classics’ and ‘rarities’, enabling the reader to absorb the deepest essence of meaning that these stories can provide.

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  • September 11, 2018

    Walking Each Other Home: Conversations on Loving and Dying

    Cover artwork of Walking Each Other Home by Ram Dass

    This book reunites lifelong friends Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush, who speak on the spiritual opportunities in the dying process. They share intimate personal experiences and timeless practices for every aspect of this journey.

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  • January 12, 2021

    Being Ram Dass

    Cover artwork of Being Ram Dass by Ram Dass and Rameshwar Das

    Set against a backdrop of nine decades of sweeping cultural change, Being Ram Dass shares this modern day luminary's journey from psychologist to renegade Harvard psychedelics researcher to beloved spiritual icon.

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  • August 1, 2021

    Milagro de Amor

    Cover artwork of Milagro de Amor by Ram Dass

    «En 1967 conocí a mi gurú. Este encuentro cambió el curso de mi vida, pues a través de él vine a percibirla en términos espirituales. En él encontré nuevas profundidades de compasión, amor, sabiduría, humor y poder; y sus acciones expandieron mi comprensión de la posibilidad humana. Reconocí en él una alianza entre lo humano y lo Divino.

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  • November 23, 2021

    Words of Wisdom

    Words of Wisdom is a distillation of the last five decades of Ram Dass’s life containing the most powerful quotes from his most resonant core teachings.

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8 thoughts on “Ram Dass Books Timeline”

  1. This is a little bit deceiving as Ram Dass technically didn’t author Cookbook or Changing. Nothing wrong with what you’ve got going here, just wanted to point it out in case anyone else is trying to collect his bibliography!

    • Hi Scott!
      We felt it was appropriate to include all Ram Dass books on the timeline, including those his foundation compiled that features his teachings. Although he didn’t sit down and write Cookbook or Changing Lenses, all of the content within each book comes directly from Ram Dass and his archival teachings and lectures.

  2. If one wanted to get the most expansive introduction to the overall teaching Ram Dass was here to convey, which book would one recommend to start with first? Or to put it another way if I could only read one book, which one would it be?

    • Hi Nira, I’d recommend “Be Love Now” or “Polishing the Mirror” as a good introduction to Ram Dass’s life and teachings… there are some others that focus on specific topics of service, psychedelics, death & dying, etc, but I feel those two books are good representations of his overall body of teachings. Enjoy!

  3. Hi Viktor here! I was wondering a question for you People of Love Serve Remember Foundation.
    Which version of Tibetan book of the Dead would the Foundation and Ram Dass recommend do you think?
    Much Love from Sweden


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