Ram Dass on Being Love Now

I honor the light in all of us. The more I love God, the more I love the forms of God, which are all forms. Living from the soul is very much a heart-center journey. I get on a bus, and by the time I get off, I feel like I have met intimately family members I’ve known all my life. We’re all in love with one another. To live in your spiritual heart with the degree of openness it entails, trust in the One. In that loving awareness, you are not as vulnerable as you would be in the ego, where you think you are separate from others.

How did the rose ever open its heart
And give to this world all of its beauty?
It felt the encouragement of light against its being,
Otherwise we all remain too frightened.
– Hafiz

How does one become loving awareness? If I change my identification from the ego to the soul, then as I look at people, they all appear like souls to me. I change from my head, the thought of who I am, to my spiritual heart, which is a different sort of awareness – feeling directly, intuiting, loving awareness. It’s changing from a worldly outer identification to a spiritual inner identification. Concentrate on your spiritual heart, right in the middle of your chest. Keep repeating the phrase, “I am loving awareness. I am loving awareness. I am loving awareness.”

The object of our love is love itself. It is the inner light in everyone and everything. Love is a state of being.

You begin to love people because they just are. You see the mystery of the Divine in form. When you live in love, you see love everywhere you look. You are literally in love with everyone you look at.

When you and I rest together in loving awareness, we swim together in the ocean of love. Remember, it’s always right here. Enter into the flow of love with a quiet mind and see all things with love as part of yourself.

– Ram Dass

4 thoughts on “Ram Dass on Being Love Now”

  1. This is the most intelligent statement about radical love I’ve encountered.
    So much theology simplified in these words of Ram Dass, so much dogma
    transcended. Awakening made accessible to us all, wherever we are on
    our journey of spirit. This will become my daily practice, my morning reading
    at sunrise, I will return to it throughout the day, hopefully commit it to memory
    so it will words I carry with me into every moment, all learned by heart.

  2. I am trying so earnestly to live in the way he describes. But my beloved only brother has completely turned his back on me, cutting me entirely out from his life. Despite my efforts to approach the situation from a wider, more cosmic view, I am nevertheless still a conditioned human and simply can no longer function without my my brother, my only beloved family in my life, if only to respond to my attempts just to text him a simple “Hello.” Please help me. I cannot go on another day in this way.

    • My brother is like that too … he is doing me a great favour as I can love him without the condition of him having to love me. Thus he is assisting me in finding unconditional love ~ that is who I am ~ and when, should he ever wish to talk to me again, I can return his acknowledgement of my being, with the love that I feel, as my inner wound of rejection and pain has healed.

    • Why do you choose to choose suffering at the behest of a brother, an earthly being who does not recognize your divinity? Perhaps you are causing your own problems by clinging and attaching to an expectation of him, this biological relationship as the end all be all. Clearly your brother is not in alignment with your heart, but you can work on accepting what is, which leaves space for other relationships to happen that could be more fulfilling. You get to choose, no one is causing you pain but you


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