Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 230 – The Truth of Your Deepest Being

Ram Dass explores how to find the balance between emptiness and compassion in the face of immense suffering and tap into the truth of your deepest being to hear your unique dharma.

“If you and I are to be instruments of the healing of the world, it is that we are quiet enough to hear our dharma, our way, and that we live our way as a statement. As Gandhi said, ‘My life is my message.’ We live our lives in such a way that the way you are in the supermarket, the way you are with your loved ones, the way you are when you’re facing pain, it is all part of the deepest wisdom statement you are able to make. It is the truth of your deepest being. For that, you have to listen inward very quietly as your offering to all beings.” – Ram Dass

In this powerful talk from 1992, Ram Dass explores:

  • Boundaries and the nature of love
  • Belief systems and faith
  • How his work with death and dying has prepared him for dealing with a dying culture and the looming ecological disaster
  • His work with the Seva Foundation and the power of community
  • Tapping into the truth of your deepest being to hear your unique dharma
  • Finding the balance between emptiness and compassion in the face of immense suffering

3 thoughts on “Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 230 – The Truth of Your Deepest Being”

  1. I Absolutely Sooo Loved the podcast and spent 2 hours journalling from it ! Going to get his 5 day course . very deep and revealing profound wisdom and knowings . Im on an fast track Awakening path and its a bit dizzeying . like drinking from a fire hose and hard to decide about a true path of pursuit in a world of endless possabilities and choices. Ram seems to have search them ALL out! I sense and intuit his Truths to find ..finding my Way. Nameste friends….


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