Ram Dass talks about relationships as a triangle with the third side of the triangle being shared awareness. He also talks about how the relationship of Guru and devotee has nothing to do with intellect. Raghu talks about Maharaji marrying westerners and relates a story of first being in India and meeting a Swami and confronting the idea of touching his feet.
i’m grateful for all you do
Thank you so very much Raghu! I look forward to the podcasts every week. I look forward to reading Be Love Now as well!
can’t believe I found this little jewel but I did. and thanks for everything
Thank you for the podcast…I look for this every week and await it eagerly. It’s great!
Thank you!! Really needed this! Much love
this is my first podcast with Ram Dass. I wish to share this with my daughter on her first anniversary!
I needed this years ago 🙂
Thank you!